Sunday, November 30, 2008

God at work

I had been letting my hair grow out since I moved to LA because I wanted to be able to wear it in a pony tail again... and because some folks in this area prefer that ladies have longer hair... but Wednesday, I got it cut SHORT! And I love it! And I think it helps me look a little more "professional," which will be important this week...

A few weeks ago, I had updated my resume because I wanted to start looking for some new part time / consulting jobs. The very next morning, I got a phone call with an offer for some temporary contract work. I love how God puts things together!! The timing was great because the job starts Monday, and my pastor is out of the country this week on missions so the church office won't be so busy. There is also the possibility of more work with these folks in the future if this job goes well... and that would be a huge blessing. I'm a little nervous, but also pretty excited to see how things will work out.

On another note, the "lessons from an airline terminal" that I blogged about a few weeks ago have continued in other places. I've had folks approach me to ask questions in stores, in parking lots, and at the hospital where I take baby pictures a couple of days per week. So far, I've been able to answer every question I've been asked. It's happening so much now that I guess the airport wasn't just a fluke after all...

Exciting things are happening! Can't wait to see what's next...


Anonymous said...

hello there. been following your blog all year. i was curious about your spiritual recovery. i was *once* from an apostolic oneness pentecostal.

how can you cut your hair short if you're a recovering pentecostal? from what i have experienced, you must not cut your hair if you wanna be one again.

Jenni said...

Hello Anonymous!

I guess the title of my site can be a bit confusing... but what I mean by "recovering Pentecostal" is kinda similar to what others mean when they say that they are "recovering alcoholics". In other words, I don't want to be a Pentecostal again. I'm still a Christian, and I'm in a wonderful healthy church now, but it isn't Pentecostal. You might want to read this page for further clarification of what I believe.